sahmat Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust (SAHMAT) bringing out a collection of writings of Dabholkar, Pansarae and Kalburgi is a fitting Tribute to the memory and the legacy of Safdar Hashmi who was murdered during a street theatre performance in the year 1989 in the outskirts of the Capital Delhi. The three martyrs Dabholkar, Pansare and Kalburgi who have unleashed their mighty pens against the tentacles of Fascism both in their writing and their act of supreme sacrifice rattle the consciousness of the vast majority of the Indians who are generally tolerant but with lot of inertia against any activism. These sober elderly gentlemen remind us this can happen to any of us if it can happen to them. At the same time they demonstrate both by their activism and their writings that ordinary folks like us can rattle the animal of fascist animal called as ‘Sangh Parivar’. The collection is with an excellent preface written by one of India’s greatest scientist Jayant Narlikar and tributes written by friends associated closely with the martyrs. A ‘Must read’ for any of us who consider our self as democratic, Rational, scientific in attitudes and temperament. ரூ.120/-